Coffee Tips from the MistoBox Team

MistoBox coffee team

It’s National Coffee Day, and our whole team is celebrating by sharing our favorite coffee tips with you. Our team is totally remote, so each tip reflects our very different lifestyles.

Samantha Meis


Samantha MeisTip: Sam travels a lot, and doesn’t leave home without her Aeropress. If you’ve wondered how to get a really REALLY good cup when you are on the road look no further. Check out our Aeropress Brew Guide and become an Aeropress pro too. But if her Aeropress isn’t handy, she turns to Sprudge to find great coffee in the city she’s visiting.

Bailey Schultz

Customer Happiness Expert

Tip: Bailey is fully obsessed with Iced Coffee Drinks all year round. She makes Iced Americanos every day for her and her boyfriend. Fun fact: What does she do with those extra coffee grounds? She uses them as a face mask or extra nutrients for her garden.

Seth Mills

Director of Coffee

screen-shot-2016-09-28-at-13-28-00Tip: Seth’s wife Erin is a 1st Grade teacher who’s out the door first thing every morning and doesn’t have time to stop at a local coffee shop for a pick me up. This means Seth makes her an insanely great iced Latte the night before so it’s ready to go every morning and she can skip the wait in line. How to do it at home?

Seth’s Homemade Iced Late

Prepare 1.5 oz espresso or 2 – 3 oz strong coffee concentrate
Add 10 ml or 15 grams Agave Syrup into espresso and mix thoroughly
Pour 1 cup of cold milk into a reusable tumbler with a straw
Add agave and espresso mixture to milk, seal and store in fridge overnight
Just add ice and you’re ready to rock!

Melissa Hall

Brand Manager

melissaTip: Melissa doesn’t drink her first cup of coffee until mid-day. Perfect timing to energize her for walking her dog and social media posts galore!  

Nick Chang

Web Developer

Processed with VSCOcam with c6 preset Tip: Nick stirs every cup with a Chopstick. 

Connor Riley


Coffee Pro/Coffee Hiding ProIncase you too live with too many roommates tip: Connor picks a new hideout in the pantry every 4-6 weeks to prevent his roommates from raiding your fresh beans

The MistoBox Team loves their coffee and love what they do! Want to learn more about what makes us tick? Read all about the team here.We want to know your favorite coffee tips! Leave a comment below or tweet us @mistoboxcoffee.

P.S. Don’t forget to enter our National Coffee Day giveaway over on Instagram!

**Check out our awesome coffee cocktail article and the perfect cold brew cup!