Our Favorite Coffee on YouTube

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Our favorite coffee focused Podcasts and YouTube Channels. These coffee loving folks range from industry icons to at home brewers. They bring coffee to life and we love tuning in.

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Skewtoob This review duo is a quirky and personable couple who love to try new things. Their coffee reviews are thoughtful, casual, and totally accessible to every level of coffee fan. When we watch, it feels like we are having a great cup of coffee with two friends and chatting about what it is we taste and love about each cup.

Why you should tune in: These two talk about tasting in a fun, simple way and is an awesome way to build your coffee tasting vocabulary alongside two very approachable folks! Also, their collection of mugs is second to none!


Cat and Cloud Two coffee bros talk coffee roasting, tasting, business, philosophy and teach us coffee skills as well as where to surf/skateboard in Santa Cruz. Would you expect anything less? The dream team of Jared Truby and Chris Baca (aka Trubaca) have an insanely impressive coffee past; between them are years of barista experience, more awards than we can count and a ton of cred from the coffee industry. Even with all those bragging rights these guys are some of the most down to earth dudes in the industry.
Why you should listen: These guys are in the process of opening their own roastery and cafe in Santa Cruz, CA. It’s fun to hear about the process of opening your own shop, and their thoughts behind awesome coffee and exceptional service. More adventures to come!

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I Brew My Own Coffee A conversational style podcast featuring two of our favorite MistoBox subscribers and infamous Instagram masters, Brian Beyke and Bryan Schiele. They base each podcast on a coffee topic they’re super interested in or an interview with some of the industry’s greatest coffee minds. You can definitely tell that coffee is their all time favorite hobby. The podcast is a chance for them to reach out to other coffee lovers and bring them along the journey of Specialty Coffee.
Why you Should Listen: Both hosts have their fingers on the pulse on what coffees are super tasty right now. They share (and include in their podcast notes) what coffees they are loving and drinking.

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Specialty Coffee Association of America Geared more to the coffee aficionado than the average home brewer, SCAA publishes content from some of the most knowledgeable and influential folks in the Specialty Coffee world. That being said there is plenty of content that will give you a truly involved look into the world of Specialty Coffee like the recordings of Annual Meetings and Barista Competitions.
Why you Should Watch: Some pretty thoughtful videos around topics of coffee sustainability or the carbon footprint of coffee. Not your thing? They’ve also go tutorials and recipes, like the one for their homemade Pumpkin Spice syrup. See, something for everyone!

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SprudgeCast Sprudge is the thought leader in coffee culture, so it’s no surprise that their podcast is a smorgasbord of current events, irreverence, and awesomeness all dipped in a delicious demitasse of espresso. Each episode they talk about coffee events going on throughout the world, recap recent stories that ran on Sprudge.com, as well as interview some really great coffee folks that are doing new and incredible things in the industry.
Why you should listen: The weekly theme song. Just trust me on this one.

images courtesy of Barista Magazine

Coffee Awesome This podcast sets itself apart from so many others in one obvious way; it’s creator and host is Bjorg Brend Laird, a female coffee pro who very much stands out in this very male driven world. Bjorg has a unique lense in how she views the industry in that she peels apart people’s stories and the origin of their journeys in coffee. Every episode of Coffee Awesome is a story unwoven in front of you – vignettes of some of the most amazing people in the coffee industry talking with a host who you can tell really cares. Bjorg takes a journalistic stance with her podcast and gives her listeners a free trip around the world with farmers and roasters sharing fascinating adventures.
Why you should listen: It’s The Travel Channel, meets coffee pros, meets a host with no agenda and a ton of insight and experience.

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Let’s get Lexi These two goofballs check out awesome coffee shops around the country, rating coffee drinks and sharing their fun loving sense of humor. That’s the premise of Let’s get Lexi, but these videos are much more than that. Each upload is a blast to watch. Lexi and her fiance, Hunter, have plenty of passion and know how when it comes to coffee and they travel around sampling coffee, coffee and more coffee. Seriously, they drink a LOT of coffee (don’t get Hunter started on Cold Brew, he lives on the stuff). One bonus is that they often bring along some of their equally fun friends to chime in. Hey look, it’s Seth Mills!

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Why you should tune in: Lexi and her partner in crime, Hunter Pence (yes that Hunter Pence who plays for the San Francisco Giants) remind us that yes, coffee is fun.

**Check out our awesome coffee cocktail article and the perfect cold brew cup! https://dreamsonlinemarketing.nl/dominoqq/ https://dreamsonlinemarketing.nl/pkv-games/ https://jktsuara.com/pkv-games/ https://store.manaje.id/bandarqq/ http://air.newslink.org/ https://www.plant-ditech.com/wp-includes/bandarqq/ https://www.plant-ditech.com/wp-includes/dominoqq/ https://www.plant-ditech.com/wp-includes/pkv-games/ http://writewellbros.mautic.com/ http://nav.picarro.com/index.html