Surfs up at Bird Rock Coffee Roasters

Article reposted with permission from Bird Rock Coffee Roasters

Earth Month X Surfrider Foundation Partnership

April is a special month for the planet, and at Bird Rock Coffee Roasters, we’re excited to celebrate Earth Month by partnering with the Surfrider Foundation San Diego Chapter. Our collaboration allows us to share our sustainability efforts with our customers and highlight Surfrider’s crucial work to protect our oceans and coastlines.

To kickstart this partnership, we’re excited to introduce our Earth Blend – a delicious coffee with $1 from each bag sold donated to the Surfrider Foundation San Diego Chapter. The blend features sustainably sourced coffees from around the globe. When you sip on this coffee, you’ll enjoy notes of strawberry cobbler, maple syrup, and pomegranate truffles, all while knowing that you’re supporting sustainable sourcing practices, and proceeds that go towards protecting our environment via the Surfrider Foundation.

At Bird Rock Coffee Roasters, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to sourcing our beans in an ethically and environmentally friendly way. We work with farmers who use sustainable practices and pay them a fair price for their beans. Our coffee is roasted in small batches to ensure freshness and minimize waste.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we encourage our customers to bring their own cups when they visit our cafes. We know disposable cups are a significant source of waste, and we want to do our part to reduce that waste. When you bring your own cup, we’ll give you a discount on your drink. It’s a win-win!

During April, we’re partnering with the Surfrider Foundation San Diego Chapter. This non-profit organization is dedicated to protecting and enjoying our oceans, waves, and beaches. Their efforts help keep our coastlines clean and healthy, and they also advocate for policies that protect our oceans.

On April 15th, we’re excited to participate in Surfrider Foundation’s beach cleanups by donating coffee (but don’t forget to BYOM – Bring Your Own Mug!) and helping to pick up trash. We encourage our customers to join us in this effort. It’s a great way to give back to our community and show appreciation for the ocean, and all it gives us.

See volunteer options for Moonlight Beach here:

See volunteer options for Imperial Beach here:

At Bird Rock Coffee Roasters and the Surfrider Foundation, we believe that sustainability is not just a buzzword. It’s a way of life and a part of our business model. We’re proud to partner with the Surfrider Foundation San Diego Chapter to promote sustainable practices and protect our planet. So, grab your reusable cup, pick up a bag of our Earth Blend, and join us in celebrating Earth Month! Together, we can positively impact our environment and the world around us.

The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves, and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network.