Square One Coffee

square one coffee race

Square One Coffee has been roasting, brewing and serving up Specialty coffee in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for 13 years. Since 2007, Square One has been owned and operated by longtime industry veterans Joshua and Jessica Steffy. Josh and Jess have made it a priority to make the product and the people who make it possible the center of their business.

By exclusively purchasing coffees that are sustainably grown and ethically traded, Square One ensures that the quality of the product and the people behind it are rewarded for their efforts. They also make an effort to purchase directly from producers as much as possible so that they can develop longterm relationships with the farmers and buy their coffees year after year. This longterm and direct buying relationship gives both parties benefits. To the farmer that means better prices for their coffees and to Square One, delivering the best possible coffee to its customers.

We are excited to announce the addition of Square One Coffee to our lineup of stellar roasters from across the country! Their first featured coffee Sulawesi Tana Toraja is featured in the Early January MistoBox, arriving this week. We hope you all love it as much as we did!

Want to learn about the best coffee in San Francisco? Or learn how to perfectly brew coffee at home or make an amazing cold brew coffee! https://dreamsonlinemarketing.nl/dominoqq/ https://dreamsonlinemarketing.nl/pkv-games/ https://jktsuara.com/pkv-games/ https://store.manaje.id/bandarqq/ http://air.newslink.org/ https://www.plant-ditech.com/wp-includes/bandarqq/ https://www.plant-ditech.com/wp-includes/dominoqq/ https://www.plant-ditech.com/wp-includes/pkv-games/ http://writewellbros.mautic.com/ http://nav.picarro.com/index.html