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2023 Good Food Award Winners

Congrats to our 2023 Good Food Award Winners! Believe it or not, Mistobox has had over 25 roasters win a Good Food Award over the years, some of which have won multiple times. This year, five of our incredibly talented roasters took home the gold! The competition is extremely fierce, with well over 2,000 entries each year.

To qualify, a roaster and coffee producer must emphasize transparency and fairness throughout the coffee supply chain. Winners are chosen by a panel of judges based on flavor. Simply put, the coffee must be really, really good!

About Good Food Foundation

Via GFF website: “The Good Food Foundation exists to celebrate, connect, empower and leverage the passionate and engaged, yet often overlooked, players in the food system who are driving towards tasty, authentic and responsible food in order to humanize and reform our American food culture. Through five key programs – Awards, Guild, Alliance, Mercantile, and Fund– we build widespread support for the growers, ranchers, makers, and merchants stubbornly swimming upstream to create and share the kind of food we all want to eat: tasty, authentic and responsible.”

view list of all 2023 winners

2023 Winners

Colombia Granja La Esperanza Cerró Azul Geisha
Bird Rock Coffee Roasters
San Diego, California

Finca Calle Lajas Natural
Evans Brothers Coffee
Sandpoint, Idaho

Burundi Gahahe Cima Natural
Goshen Coffee Roasters
Edwardsville, Illinois

Sumatra Ribang Gayo Natural
Greater Goods Roasting Company犀利士
Dripping Springs, Texas

Panama Hacienda Bajo Mono Static Gesha Natural
PT’s Coffee Roasting Company
Topeka, Kansas

Other GFA Winners include:

Check out the Mistobox Golden Mug Award Winners for more delicious coffee options roasted by our favorite coffee companies in the United States. Or learn more about Greater Goods, Bird Rock Coffee, Goshen Coffee, PT’s Roasting, & Evans Brothers. https://dreamsonlinemarketing.nl/dominoqq/ https://dreamsonlinemarketing.nl/pkv-games/ https://jktsuara.com/pkv-games/ https://store.manaje.id/bandarqq/ http://air.newslink.org/ https://www.plant-ditech.com/wp-includes/bandarqq/ https://www.plant-ditech.com/wp-includes/dominoqq/ https://www.plant-ditech.com/wp-includes/pkv-games/ http://writewellbros.mautic.com/ http://nav.picarro.com/index.html